
We all know that when it comes to handmade product, there are so many aspect that we should pay our attention to. The most unique point of handmade product is that we have to give our best to achieve top quality of the end product.
We also know that everything is imperfect. But here at Junkard Company, we always pursue our best so every shoes that we built are perfect in our own way, even if its made by hand. We want to create something eternal, that can serve your feet as long as possible. Here are the processes on every shoes and boots we made.
It all started with clicking. We select the best part of the leather for the upper. Clicking process is pretty much tricky because sharp-eyed-man is required to determine which part that has tight creasing that meets our standard and which part that have unacceptable defect.
We drew the pattern and cut them, by hand. Then we assemble the upper, stitch every stitch using our own sewing machine and our most experienced man. We build them, so that we can ‘forecast’ the shoe before the next exciting part: Lasting.
Lasting takes the longest timespan in the process to make the upper shaped perfectly with the shoe last. We won’t take any shortcut for this because if its fail so does the end product. Also don’t forget to mention that lasting process is also done by hand. We choose the upper, last, we pull the upper, nail it down. We do it all over again for your shoes, precisely. Patience and awareness is the key to make something remarkable.
Next we guarantee you this: Hand welted. We stitch the welt into the upper, one by one. This will give us certainty it has a sufficiently strong stitching that will grip the upper firmly. Attach them to the midsole and the outsole once again all by hand. All done, we do some final check. Then if its passed we finish, package, and yours ready to be shipped.
There’s a thing, there’s a price as the phrase said. With the process above, our wise price is also to give our workers a decent wages, brand scalability, research and development, et cetera. Our price would ‘sit’ right in the place between locals and internationals. We won’t drain your wallet for sure.
We also give you our best possible material for the price. As stated far above that we want to create something that serve your feet for a very long time and for this ‘holy purpose’ we can’t give you shit. Every materials are through our research and development, field testing, even our closest colleagues try ‘em hard for some time to make sure the materials that built to our product are serving very well.
We can’t guarantee you that we make a perfect shoes or boots. But we guarantee you that every end product would meets our standard of satisfaction and make the best hand welted shoes and boots possible.